Tuesday, May 5, 2009

So you got the job! NOW WHAT?

There are no rewards for showing up every day! Noone gets to THE TOP for doing a GOOD job! There are MINEFIELDS everwhere(most of them are HUMAN). You have to have a PLAN(everyday!!). You have to PAY ATTENTION(to people; as well as , your work!). You have to be a good FOLLOWER in order to learn how to LEAD! You must be LOYAL(to YOURSELF!!). YOU MUST BE BRAVE( don't fool yourself, your career path will be a BATTLE)!!OH, there are so many books on this subject. What I hope out of doing a regular blog on this subject is that maybe I might help one person on their trip through all the frustrations and terribly lonely moments that are involved in this crusade. I made a lot of BAD TURNS and GOOD TURNS in my 38 years of CHASING THAT DREAM. I met a lot of BAD PEOPLE and GOOD PEOPLE! I will share real life stories and lessons. Hope it helps.

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